Water Droplet Hanging Terrarium

Mar 4, 2019

Welcome to Barbaras Flowers Day, your trusted destination for all things flowers and home decor. In this article, we will guide you through the wonderful world of water droplet hanging terrariums, helping you understand their beauty, benefits, and how to create your own stunning terrarium to elevate your home decor.

What is a Water Droplet Hanging Terrarium?

A water droplet hanging terrarium is a unique and visually appealing way to display plants, specifically designed to mimic the natural environment inside a tiny glass container. These terrariums generally consist of small succulents, air plants, or moss, which thrive in a humid, enclosed environment.

Benefits of Water Droplet Hanging Terrariums

Promote Relaxation and Reduce Stress

Having a water droplet hanging terrarium in your living space can help create a calming atmosphere. The greenery and tranquility of the enclosed mini-garden can promote relaxation and reduce stress after a long day.

Purify the Air

Plants inside the terrarium naturally purify the air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen. With a water droplet hanging terrarium, you can improve the air quality in your home while adding a touch of natural beauty.

Add Unique Decorative Element

Water droplet hanging terrariums are visually striking and add a unique decorative element to any space. With their beautiful glass containers and lush greenery, they can act as eye-catching centerpieces or enhance the appeal of hanging displays.

Creating Your Own Water Droplet Hanging Terrarium

Now that you understand the benefits, let's explore the process of creating your own water droplet hanging terrarium. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose the Perfect Glass Container: Select a glass container with a small opening and a loop or hook for hanging. Ensure it is clean and free of any cracks.
  2. Prepare the Base: Create a layer of rocks or pebbles at the bottom of the container to help with drainage.
  3. Layer with Charcoal: Add a thin layer of activated charcoal to prevent the growth of bacteria and keep the terrarium fresh.
  4. Add Soil and Plants: Fill the container with appropriate succulent or air plant soil. Carefully place your chosen plants and arrange them to your liking.
  5. Add Decorative Elements: Enhance the aesthetic appeal by adding decorative elements such as tiny figurines, small rocks, or colored sand.
  6. Water and Maintenance: Finally, water the plants sparingly and place your terrarium in a location with indirect sunlight. Ensure you follow the specific care instructions for the plants chosen.

Where to Find High-Quality Water Droplet Hanging Terrariums

At Barbaras Flowers Day, we understand the allure of water droplet hanging terrariums and strive to provide our customers with a wide variety of high-quality options.

Our eCommerce & Shopping - Flower shops category offers a curated selection of water droplet hanging terrariums, designed to elevate your home decor and bring the beauty of nature indoors. Whether you're seeking a single terrarium or looking to create a stunning hanging display, our collection has something for everyone.

Visit our website to explore our range of terrariums and find the perfect one to suit your style and preferences. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to assist you with any questions you may have while making your selection.

Unleash your creativity and bring the beauty of nature into your home with a water droplet hanging terrarium from Barbaras Flowers Day. Elevate your space and create a serene atmosphere that will leave a lasting impression on all who enter.

Jhonny English
These water droplet hanging terrariums are magical! ✨ Absolutely love how they elevate home decor! 🌿
Nov 10, 2023
Pieter Langstraat
These hanging terrariums are the perfect addition to any space!
Oct 7, 2023